About Me

Loralie Hayes

Hello lovelies! I’m Loralie, a crochet artist and designer living in South Wales. I discovered the art of crochet when I was pregnant with my first born back in 2015. I just wanted to make him a simple pair of booties and all I had was a metal 4mm hook and some double knit yarn which I had from when I previously tried knitting (It was NOT my strong suit!) and I went to work. My first set just did not happen. I threw that yarn and hook and left it in the corner until the next day!

When I woke up the next morning I decided that I would have a look at some simple beginners YouTube videos and learn the very basics. But finding how to get from a chain to my first single crochet was mystifying….cut to today and I have my own Youtube channel where I teach newbies how to crochet as well as multiple crochet patterns and even a book released on amazon!