The Double Cross Blanket

Hello my crochet besties!

If you’re looking for a nice simple tutorial of the jasmine stitch then you’ve come to the right place! Below you will find a chart on how many to chain and how many rows to complete for a jasmine blanket. I’ll also share with you my chart on how much yarn you need for each size blanket.

You will need:

  • 5mm hook/H-8
  • Aran/medium worsted weight /10 ply in as many colours as you like.
  • Sharp yarn needle
  • Scissors

The amount of yarn you will need will vary for the size you make.

The Gauge swatch is 4 inches by 4 inches = 6 puffs by 5 rows.

If you’re not sure on the stitch abbreviations I have a full printable PDF which you can grab here.

If you would prefer the video tutorial I have that too and you can find it here. I also have the left handed tutorial which you can find here.

Start by making a slip knot and chain the amount stated on the chart for your sized blanket.

R1: Put 1 dc into the 4th ch from the hook. 1 dc into each st across. Ch 2 and turn.

R2:  1 dc in each st across. Ch 2 and turn.

R3: *Sk 2 sts, 1 dcbs, 1 dc into the 2nd sk st, 1 dcbs in the 1st sk st, 1 dc in each of the next 3 sts* Repeat to the last 4 sts.Sk 2 sts, 1 dcbs, 1 dc into the 2nd sk st, 1 dcbs in the 1st sk st. 1 dc into the top of the chain 2. Ch 2 and turn.

R4: 1 dc in each st across.

R5: *1 dc in each of the next 3 sts, sk 2 sts, 1 dcbs, 1 dc into the 2nd sk st, 1 dcbs in the 1st sk st* Repeat to the last 4 sts. 1 dc in each of the last 4 sts. Ch 2 and turn.

Repeat rows 2 to 5 until you reach the size you require.

Happy crocheting!

Loralie xoxo

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Published by Mumsy Makes Crochet

My little corner of crochet heaven! Come and join me in finding lots of new crochet patterns, designing and making patterns and just all round loving the crochet life!

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