Autumn Days Crochet blanket pattern

Hello my lovelies! Below you will find the free pattern for my Autumn Days blanket. I hope you enjoy making this as much as I have. It’s such a beautiful stitch with lots of texture.

You will need:

  • Aran/worsted weight yarn in as many colours as you’d like
  • 5mm Hook
  • Scissors
  • Yarn Needle

Yarn that I used:

  • Cocoa
  • Snow
  • Thatch

You can purchase these from Furls website here.

Special stitches – Forked cluster: Yarn over and insert hook at the first position given, yarn over and draw up a loop twice in the same place. You should have 5 loops on your hook. Yarn over and pull through 4 loops, leaving 1 loop on your hook. Now yarn over and insert the hook into the second position given. Yarn over and pull up a loop twice. You should have 6 loops on your hook. Yarn over and pull through 4 loops, leaving 3 loops on your hook. Now yarn over and pull through all 3 loops.

The pattern:

Chain a multiple of 3 + 5

R1: Put a FC into the 5th (position 1) and 7th (position 2) chain from the hook. *Chain 2 and make the first part of the FC into the next ch along, sk 1 st and make the other half of the FC into the next ch.* Repeat to the end of the row. When you have 1 ch left, chain 1 and then put 1 dc into the last ch.

R2: Chain 4 (counts as the 1st dc and ch 1) put a FC into the 1st and 2nd chain 2 spaces on either side of the FC on the row below. *Chain 2 and make the first part of the FC into the same chain space as the last half of the previous FC and make the other half of the FC into the next chain space* Repeat to the end of the row. When you have finished your last FC, chain 1 and then put 1 dc into the top of the 3rd loop of the chain 4.

Repeat row 2 until your project measures the length you require.

Enjoy making this beautiful blanket and remember to show me your wonderful projects on my socials as there’s nothing I love more than seeing your amazing projects.

Happy hooking!


Published by Mumsy Makes Crochet

My little corner of crochet heaven! Come and join me in finding lots of new crochet patterns, designing and making patterns and just all round loving the crochet life!

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